
Tan Delta measurement is a proven, simple and reliable test method for evaluating the dielectric condition and a degree of degradation of the HV cables. Damages on cables caused by water trees can be easily and clearly identified. VLF test sets of the HVA series with corresponding voltage range serve as the ideal high voltage source for the TD90-MC device. The dissipation factor measurement is performed with an accuracy of ± 10-4 for loads in the range of 500 pF to 10 µF. serve as the ideal high voltage source for the TD90-MC. The TD90-MC provides the testing and commissioning engineer with versatile high voltage tan delta measurement system suitable for testing XLPE, PE, EPR and PILC cables or other electrical equipment. A sinusoidal 0.1 Hz VLF output voltage source HVA90 Insulation Tester or HVA94 Cable Tester must be used with the TD90 tan delta testing system, usable over a range between 1 to 90 kV peak. When carried out at fixed intervals TD testing can be the basis of a predictive maintenance program for your HV cables. The diagnostic report of the analysing software "TD Control Center" provides a comprehensive and clear record of the individual measurements made during a TD test cycle. An easy to interpret graphical display of the values offers a fast and accurate assessment of the dielectric condition of the cable.